"We empower youth to make positive and
successful life choices through opportunities and guidance."
Every month, we provide hundreds of youth visitors in West Niagara access to free supervised programs, food, reliable support, priority access to crisis intervention resources across the Niagara Region and a place they can call their own!
Our Story

In 2001, The Foundation of Resources for Teens (FORT) was established in reaction to increasing teen suicide and depression rates in our communities.
For over 20 years, our mission has been to empower youth to make positive and successful life choices through opportunities and guidance. The FORT is a local, not-for-profit youth centre that provides free recreational programs and resource services to youth
in our community. However, for the over 10,000 youth of Western Niagara we serve every year, we are so much more than that; we are a community, a place to go aside from home or school, reliable support and a space they are proud to call their own. Through our programs, youth are able to unlock their full potential.
Grimsby FORT

Smithville FORT